The big WHY - The Coding Accountant #2

The big WHY - The Coding Accountant #2


4 min read

Hey everyone!

Since I started learning coding about a month ago, I watched through several youtube videos on which language should I pick up, what are the applications of each language and what are their pros and cons. But out of all of these videos, the most important ones that I would say are the motivation or philosophy related videos.

In addition to coding, I'm also doing some trading & investing in the stock market and after watching these videos, I would say that learning to trade and code are actually VERY similar. Now what do I mean by that?

Well, to start off, both skills can be self-taught. Meaning you dont have to actually pay any money to start learning them, there are a bunch of resources available online for you to research, the options and content are ENDLESS. But the most important aspect about being able to succeed in teaching yourself a new skill is the big WHY.

WHY do you want to learn how to code? Is it because of the big bucks these jobs can earn? Is it because you just feel like it's cool and you want to do it just for fun? Is it because you have a family to take care of and you think that join the tech industry will definitely help you financially? For me, my big WHY in learning to code comes from 2 motivations in my life.

Firstly, it's because of my girlfriend (hopefully future wife). Currently me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship and of course, I definitely want to be able to be with her for the next few decades, but because the place where I live is much more fast paced and my girlfriend is dealing with some depression and anxiety, I decided to move to her place instead. However, the financial prospects in her area isn't as prosperous as where I'm living now and I would most probably have to get a salary downgrade to find a job there. Then, I thought coding might just be my ticket out because of the ability to be able to work remotely and earn foreign currencies which is actually worth a lot here).

Secondly and this might sound like a joke but it's because I'm lazy. When I say lazy, I don't mean "I don't want to do anything" kind of lazy. What I meant was I absolutely HATE doing the same mindless thing over and over every single day (full story in Road to Code #1). I always proclaim myself as an efficient guy so naturally I love automation. I always try to find a way to get the most amount of results in the shortest amount of time. This isn't really a big WHY but it's just a passion of mine to be able to do things faster than anyone else.

Those are the 2 WHYs I chose to pursue coding as a potential career for my future. The reason these WHYs are so important is because learning a skill by yourself is not easy and it takes a long time. You have to keep reminding yourself that this is a marathon and not a sprint. You are doing this for a certain goal and you will do anything it takes to reach that goal, even if it means slowing down to catch your breath once in a while. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT burn yourself out. I'm still trying to remind myself to slow down every day and maybe that's why I decided to start blogging as a way to write down my thoughts and slow down.

Anyways, long story short, find out your WHY and remind yourself every day on it. I shared my WHY with all of you and this also makes me accountable not just for myself but for everyone reading this, so I suggest you do the same. After this, I will be putting down my notes on the stuff I learnt (mainly syntax) so try to explain to myself in layman terms on what it does.

Feel free to share your WHY in the comments below and stay tuned to more posts after this. Reminding myself... this is a marathon, do not burn out, one day you will reach your goal.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!